Thursday, April 21, 2011

Acupuncture always a suprise!

I saw one of my favorite patients last week. I'll never forget the first time I saw him. To say he was a wreck was an understatement. He came to see me about a year ago. He barely walked into my office on his own two feet. He was being helped by his wife. He didn't seem so tall then, hunched over and limping in looking like he might topple over any minute. I helped him onto my table, and it took alot of doing. I couldn't understand why he wasn't in a wheelchair or in the hospital. His pulses were so weak. His tongue was a bright red and dry. He had nodules on both elbows and a huge one on the top of his head, along with several throughout his body. I have to say I didn't know where to begin. His biggest complaint was his excruciating back and hip pain. He had been to several Dr.s and was on pain meds that didn't seem to help. I gave him a back treatment using electricity on a few needles around his low back. He could not lay down on his stomach so we opted for him to sit up and work on a few points on his back and a few in front for his lungs, because not only is he a smoker but his breathing was incredibly shallow. Needless to say I was sure he'd need alot of treatments and I proceeded to let them know that. Because he was not working at the time I was sure they probably wouldn't be back. He said he felt no difference. I was surprised,when they did come back 2 days later I continued to work on him 2X's a week for quite a few weeks, and each time he improved a little at a time. He began to walk better and staighter. I then realized how tall he realy was 6'4''. He continued having problems from time to time. He got staph infection, he felt from being in the ER after falling off a ladder and having one of his nodules drained. He continued to see me on a regular basis for his neck and back pain. Because he was a veteran, he was able to get some assistance for his neck pain, he had surgery once before on his neck and needed to have it done again. He was told by his surgeon, that he might have become paralized due to the fracture in his neck, this time, but he was told that having the acupuncture helped keep his condition in check and even though he needed to have the surgery sooner he was lucky to have gotten acupuncture when he did.
I have seen him now for over a year. He is so much better now, he is working again on his farm, he is now only taking a few meds for his rhuematoid arthritis, and other conditions. He continues to see me for his back and hip pain ,a couple of times a month. He continues to laugh about how he can move around and this year he is working again. I love this medicine! It's always new and interesting. Just when I think it isn't working someone comes along and shows me what can be done. I am truly blessed that I am able to help these amazing people I treat in their healing. Thank you for reading my blog and Blessings to you.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Acupuncture, How I started

I recieved my nursing degree as an LPN in 1984. I worked in alot of different fields of nursing like OB,Med Surg,and Rehab. But I found that the one field more condusive to family life was working in a Dr.s office. I did just that when we lived in Durango. I was very much into the Western Medicine mind set. My husband was working with the Forest Service at the time, and was doing alot of trail work involving the packing and leading of horses into the wilderness. He had what is known as Tennis elbow. A Hyperextension of the elbow which can cause alot of pain and discomfort with any movement. After several cortisone injections and several prescriptions of antiinflammatories, which totally screwed up his stomach, he not getting any better decided that he had had enough. He decided he was going to try something different. He said he was going to try acupuncture. Of course I told him he was crazy. How could you let someone put needles in you! I was appaled. But after seeing the results after only 3 treatments his elbow pain was gone. The added bonus was how relaxed and calm he felt after each treatment and how it seemed to last. Well after a fall from a flight of stairs several months before, and physical therapy, chiropractic work and living on tylenol, I could not get rid of my neck & shoulder pain and horrible headaches, he convinced me to give it a try. I am terrified of needles. As a child the school nurses would chase me to give me immunizations. My dad laughed when he knew I was going to be a nurse, because of my fear of needles. I was terrified the first time I got needled. I couldn't believe how great I felt and after only a few treatments my pain and headaches had all but disappered. But best of all I could actually feel myself able to relax. I didn't know that was possible. I was sold, I knew I had to do something different. When we moved back to the San Luis Valley I went back to Adams State and thought I would continue with my education and become a physcologist as I'd always wanted to. But in the back of my mind I thought I needed to do something in healing arts. I thought about Massage and made several inquiries but they all fell through, so I just continued nursing. One day a friend I knew stopped by the hospital where I worked, he used to work there and was all excited about his acupuncture school in Santa Fe. I loved hearing him talk about all the wonderful things he was leaning and asked if he'd send me some info. He sent me info and an application. I was sure I wouldn't be excepted since my college credits but were so old, When I went in for the Interview, I was told they'd have to review all my transcripts and see if I qualified. I was extatic when I was excepted. The angels of synchronicity worked in my favor and opened every possible door for me to attend Southwest Acupuncture College in Santa Fe New Mexico. I graduated in July 2003 and started my own practice in Alamosa, Co. in Feb.2004 Where I still practice and love it. Thanks for reading my Blog. And Blessings to All

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life is interesting!!

When we begin we start learning about life through our parents. As girls we learn our roles as mommies and wives. As we grow into adolesence our bodies start perparing us for womenhood and most times we spend it looking for the right partner. In our twenty and thirtys we become wives and mothers and all our time and attention is spent in those endevors. As we reach our fourtys and fiftys we gradually start to look into our own lives and now we realize it's time to take care of ourselves. We have spent most of our lives caring for and nurturing our families. If we are lucky we hear the nudging of ourselves and decide yes it truly is our time. We begin to take care of who we are or we begin to discover who we truly are. If you are lucky and truly blessed those around you will embrace your becomming. I am one of those lucky women. At the age of 44 I decided it was time I took care of myself. I went back to school, and got a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine degree. The toughest thing I have ever done. I always thought of myself as very stupid. I was never a bright student and with such test anxiety, there were times I was sure I'd never make it through. But because of the encouragment from my husband and children and the great teachers I had I was able to graduate.
I have been so blessed in my life. I have 3 incredible children who I am so privledged to know.They have given me 3 adorable grandchildren and 1 great son-in-law and 1 terrific daughter-in-law. But I owe most of my sucesses to my amazing husband of 37yrs. He has given me encouragement and helped me become who I am. I continue to find interesting and unusual interests and he always listens and helps me move forward.
As an acupuncturist I've learned how much I am able to help people with their healing.I am only the conduit to that end. I am always amazed when people discover how good they can feel. I have seen such improvements and such incredible healing. I truly feel blessed to be doing this medicine.
I also am blessed that new things are headed my way. I am done with the work of the North, Medicine Wheel, and will soon finish my training, and become a Shaman in the Peruvian tradition. I will write more about this later. Thanks for reading and Blessing to All

SLV Alternative Health

We are blogging!! My adress is 309 San Juan Ave. Alamosa, Colorado. Experienced 7 years of putting needles in people and helping them heal.