Thursday, April 21, 2011

Acupuncture always a suprise!

I saw one of my favorite patients last week. I'll never forget the first time I saw him. To say he was a wreck was an understatement. He came to see me about a year ago. He barely walked into my office on his own two feet. He was being helped by his wife. He didn't seem so tall then, hunched over and limping in looking like he might topple over any minute. I helped him onto my table, and it took alot of doing. I couldn't understand why he wasn't in a wheelchair or in the hospital. His pulses were so weak. His tongue was a bright red and dry. He had nodules on both elbows and a huge one on the top of his head, along with several throughout his body. I have to say I didn't know where to begin. His biggest complaint was his excruciating back and hip pain. He had been to several Dr.s and was on pain meds that didn't seem to help. I gave him a back treatment using electricity on a few needles around his low back. He could not lay down on his stomach so we opted for him to sit up and work on a few points on his back and a few in front for his lungs, because not only is he a smoker but his breathing was incredibly shallow. Needless to say I was sure he'd need alot of treatments and I proceeded to let them know that. Because he was not working at the time I was sure they probably wouldn't be back. He said he felt no difference. I was surprised,when they did come back 2 days later I continued to work on him 2X's a week for quite a few weeks, and each time he improved a little at a time. He began to walk better and staighter. I then realized how tall he realy was 6'4''. He continued having problems from time to time. He got staph infection, he felt from being in the ER after falling off a ladder and having one of his nodules drained. He continued to see me on a regular basis for his neck and back pain. Because he was a veteran, he was able to get some assistance for his neck pain, he had surgery once before on his neck and needed to have it done again. He was told by his surgeon, that he might have become paralized due to the fracture in his neck, this time, but he was told that having the acupuncture helped keep his condition in check and even though he needed to have the surgery sooner he was lucky to have gotten acupuncture when he did.
I have seen him now for over a year. He is so much better now, he is working again on his farm, he is now only taking a few meds for his rhuematoid arthritis, and other conditions. He continues to see me for his back and hip pain ,a couple of times a month. He continues to laugh about how he can move around and this year he is working again. I love this medicine! It's always new and interesting. Just when I think it isn't working someone comes along and shows me what can be done. I am truly blessed that I am able to help these amazing people I treat in their healing. Thank you for reading my blog and Blessings to you.

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